Mar 30, 2009

Research and Development.

For some time now we've tossed around the idea of building some low-dollar chops out of the XS650's we've got kickin' around the yard.  But, being Harley snobs for the most part, Sean and I didn't know if they were capable of producing enough of the "fun" factor to be worth the effort.
So we researched the issue.
1/2 a beer and the better part of a tire later, we've decided they might actually be worth it.
We do it all for science.

Keep your eyeballs peeled for more.


Made some good progress on the projects this weekend...
My Sporty's gettin' so close I can taste it, and Sean's FXR finally has some direction --- should be terrorizing again soon, after an almost 8 year hiatus.  
Goons of Doom will be rollin' again soon...

Mar 18, 2009

What we got.

The yard... hundreds of scoots to pull from.

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Salvage parts.  Two warehouses full of this stuff.  Tanks, seats, shocks, electrical, wheels, front ends, frames, complete motors... whatever you need, we probably have it.

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New and NOS parts.  We have tons of NOS parts/accessories in stock.  We keep some new product around, but if we don't have it in, we can most likely get it for you

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The Shop.  This is Grim Metal Worx.  This is the shop side of the warehouse, and this is where we build and wrench on the shit that we ride.  If you talk us into building something for you (i.e., if you pay us), this is where it'll happen.  This is also a great place to drink beer, if you're invited.

Mar 11, 2009

Inline 4's are heavy.

So Sean cheats when he's pulling 'em... work smarter, not harder.  Or something like that.

Baby steps.

Busy week, but not on the exciting projects...
Sean and I made a little progress on my narrowed tank, though.  We got the petcock dumped out and tacked up, and I'm makin' a little headway on salvaging my trashed PM hand controls, so...

Mar 4, 2009

Bike night, week 3, version 2.1 vol. 2.

Bike night went down twice this week... craziness.
Monday was mostly bitching about bailouts, but on Tuesday we actually got some shit done.  Although I didn't photograph any progress.  Luckily Jac rolled by and popped a few with my new 5D MKII.  And he brought hamburgers.  Thanks, Jac.

Sean and I had to debate wether my original tank would look better as a narrowed 1 piece tank or a 2 piece, flatside number.  The latter wins... more on that soon.

Checking flat-inity (technical term) so we can get the flat-sides cut...

Russian Nesting Tanks.  Very rare.

And, even more rare, the Narrowed Sportster Dung Beetle.  Watch out for these bastards.


And, as for things that actually got done and not photographed?  Fuck it... nobody reads anyway.  We'll just have to get some photos up at some point, right?